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Certificate in Conflict and Dispute Management for Project Managers

Certificate of Participation provided by Conrad Grebel University College and the University of WaterlooUW logo

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Purpose of the Program

The main objective of this program is to present effective systems to manage conflict, and resolve disputes and claims during the life cycle of a construction project. Special emphasis is given to establishing how conflict impacts project costs, scheduling and damages resulting from delay, and how to manage and resolve such conflict and present the alternative dispute resolution approaches available for the project manager.
Due to the adversarial nature of relationships in the construction industry today, and the potential of conflicts arising among the different parties, disputes are very common and can be considered the norm in today's construction environment. It is therefore of paramount importance to be prepared to handle such conflicts through the use of effective dispute management systems and techniques, thereby mitigating their damaging effects.
There is no winner in such conflicts and disputes, since they can often result in project delays and cost overruns and have a negative impact on the whole construction team. Some disputes can extend for years after project completion, tying up valuable resources and cause considerable financial damages.
To minimize conflict, the following specific issues should be considered in the planning stage: the definition of objectives; analysis of risks and likely costs; possible contract structures and types of pricing; and the technical and financial evaluation of potential contractors.

The program will improve participants' abilities to monitor projects, deal with variations in the scope of work and structure effective record-keeping methods. Participants will also establish how claims impact project cost. Special emphasis will be given to claims related to project scheduling and damages due to delay


Who Should Attend?

This program is invaluable for anyone involved in the planning, administration and close-out of projects and contracts, whatever his or her particular responsibilities are, and who wishes to learn how to manage conflicts that might arise between any of the parties during any phase of the project's or contract's progress and execution. It is specifically designed for project managers and engineers, project owners, contract managers, contractors, sub-contractors, consulting engineers and construction management executives who wish to obtain the practical knowledge and expertise necessary to make a positive and effective contribution to the successful achievement of their project's or contract's objectives. These objectives include achieving the project within budget, on time, and without compromising quality. This program would also be of benefit to owner and user organizations, regulatory or governmental agencies, architects, planners, industrial designers, designer-builders, owner representatives, project superintendents, expediters, operational personnel, facilities engineers and industrial designers.


This program is currently offered through Projacs International in partnership with Conrad Grebel University College and the University of Waterloo. A final certificate is given after completion of all six workshops.